domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

"Arabia en nuestra mesa"

Hoy se hicieron presentes los colores, sabores y sonidos del Medio Oriente en la mesa dominguera familiar. Pinte poco, cocinamos con Cari y Cande y pintamos juntas la expresión ""Bismillah"- en el nombre de Dios, todo lo que se pone a la mesa es en su nombre, como decía mi zeta, recordando mi infancia y haciendo honor a mis mayores.ML

4 comentarios:

  1. Hermoso almuerzo y mejor familia. No había chucrut ??? para comer algo rico...digo.

  2. I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^

  3. Thank you for your entrance to my blog. I invite you that you become fan.
    There is very important for my, the comments that i receive they encourage me to continue working with happiness.
    I will be grateful write me and tell what is your nationality?. Keep in touch....

  4. Thank you for your entrance to my blog. I invite you that you become fan.
    There is very important for my, the comments that i receive they encourage me to continue working with happiness.
    I will be grateful write me and tell what is your nationality?. Keep in touch....
